With the relaunch of ECW rapidly approaching, WWE is trying to secure a timeslot on USA. Rumors are floating around that they will get a timeslot on Saturday at 2am. Hopefully WWE is pushing for a better spot than that.
As far as the roster goes, Paul Heyman and Tommy Dreamer will be handling the booking. Joey Styles will be the ECW lead announcer. There is no word on if Styles is working alone or with another commentator. Steven DeAngelis will be brought in to handle the ring announcing duties.
Rob Van Dam is expected to headline as the companies top star and probably first World Champion. Other current WWE employees expected to move over to ECW are Tommy Dreamer, Little Guido (FBI), Kid Kash, Stevie Richards, Super Crazy, CM Punk, Al Snow and Roadkill. Paul Hey man is a big fan of CM Punk, so look for Punk to be the first non-ECW wrestler pushed hard.