At the press conference this morning to announce the Hulk Hogan vs Jerry Lawler match in Memphis on April 27 it was announced that Lawler was pulled from the match due to “contractual reasons” and replaced by Paul Wight, formerly The Big Show. Jerry Lawler gave some background on how the match came about. Lawler said they expected it to be the biggest event in the history of Memphis Wrestling, but “as most people know” Lawler works for World Wrestling Entertainment announcing every Monday.
He said this past Monday, he was called into the office and asked if he was going to wrestle Hogan in Memphis. He told them that he was and they said that was a problem. Lawler noted that the business is fun, but there’s a not so fun side of it and that’s the business side of it. He noted that he was under contract to WWE while Hogan is under contract to VH-1 for his reality show. He said that there is a problem with any NBC/Universal talent (which WWE stars fall under) appearing on VH-1. He noted that Hogan cannot pull out of his deal with VH-1 because one of the major reasons the show was being done was to have footage for the reality show. Lawler reiterated that he cannot appear on VH-1, so he’s going to have to “bow out of the match”
Hogan said the Forum called the WWE to make sure it was OK and WWE told them it wasn’t a problem because Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Hart, and Cory Macklin were involved . . . until Hulk Hogan’s name came into the picture. Hogan said that WWE officials tried to get the Forum to cancel and were told no. Hogan said that WWE then offered to pay Cory Macklin’s deposit back, plus interest but were turned down by Macklin. Hogan said that he feels its a personal thing against him. He said that he feels bad Lawler doesn’t want to participate because WWE is his main source of employment. Hogan noted that perhaps WWE and Vince McMahon feel that Hogan, at 53, can be a threat to them and perhaps they are right.
Macklin said that they are staying the course for the show and nothing, no matter who they are, are going to stop them, because Hogan’s opponent will be “formerly known as the Big Show”, Paul “The Great” Wight. Wight said that Hogan had given him a lot of advice and was a big influence on his life. He said that he can’t think of a better opportunity than to wrestle Hulk Hogan on 4/27 and put him in his place with a chokeslam and a pinfall. He said that he admires Hogan and what he’s done for the industry but he’s not going to walk into the ring as Hogan’s friend. He said he sees a chance to carve his place in history and he’s going to take it.
Cory Macklin said that no matter what happens the “Big Show must go on.” Wight returned to the mic and said, “I renounce my slave name. My name is Paul Wight.” Macklin said that he believes to the fans and the city of Memphis and he refused to sellout and not deliver for the city. Macklin was asked about WWE’s feeling on the show. He said they were asked by WWE to pull the show and refused. He said that WWE offered to reimburse them for not running the show and they all refused.
Hogan said that he’s not done with his career and when he saw WWE made fun of his daughter Brooke, that made his perception of them as people change forever. He said that made him decide he needs to do something and Memphis is a great place to start. Hogan noted that Wight isn’t part of the WWE anymore. Hogan said this show is the start of Hogan deciding how to write the end of his legacy. He said that the only way to do that is to show that Hulk Hogan fans and the Hulkamania fans are bigger than the WWE. He said if they fill the building, this will send a message. He said the show is exciting to him because he’s going to be part of the match that fans were cheated out of for Wrestlemania 23. He said that they were in negotiations for the match but WWE didn’t want to take it “on the straight and narrow.” He said he isn’t going to let the period on his legacy be that WWE made fun of his children.
Paul Wight said that he’s trying to break out of his own and give back to the fans and the industry. He said that he’s got to bring his best side because he has his kids and family to feed. He said that he doesn’t want to live in the shadows of anyone, Vince McMahon or otherwise anymore. Wight was asked where the new name came from. Wight joked that it was his real name. When asked why he got involved in the match, he said that he’s one of the few talents not owned by Vince McMahon anymore. He said he wants to build his name and his brand and Hogan will help him springboard that. He said now he gets to do what he wants as opposed to someone else taking 97% of the merchandising rights and having to do what someone else thinks is funny or worthwhile. Big Show was asked about TNA. Show said that Billy Gunn is a good friend of his and he’s close with Kurt Angle. He said at this point, he’s leery of working with any established promotions because he doesn’t want to be owned by anyone at this point of his life.