Ohio Valley Wrestling WWE Releases The Dicks WWE has come to terms on the release of both Chad Wicks and John Tolland who wrestled as The Dicks. Despite being released The... adminFebruary 22, 2006
ECW Guerrero To Be Inducted Monday night on RAW, it was announced that Eddie Guerrero will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. adminFebruary 21, 2006
WWE WWE Diva Breaks Her Leg Ashley suffered a spiral fracture of the left fibula, a non weight-bearing bone, Monday night while competing in the Diva Battle Royal to crown... adminFebruary 21, 2006
RAW WWE Raw Preview RAW will return to its regular night and time this week, Monday at 9/8 CT on the USA Network. The Road to WrestleMania tournament... adminFebruary 20, 2006
ECW Johnny Grunge Passess Away Michael Durham, better known to wrestling fans as Johnny Grunge of Public Enemy, passed away this morning at the age of 39. Durham, who... adminFebruary 16, 2006
WCW Bret Hart Accepts WWE Invitation Bret “Hit Man” Hart will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. The Hit Man will be inducted on April 1, 2006 in... adminFebruary 14, 2006
WWE WWE Releases Orton World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of Bob Orton. We wish him the best in all future endeavors. adminFebruary 14, 2006
Ohio Valley Wrestling WWE Releases The Heart Throbs WWE announced today that the Heart Throbs (Romeo & Antonio) had been released by the company. T heir characters never really translated to the... adminFebruary 11, 2006
TNA Goldberg Interested In TNA While appearing on Bubba the Love Sponge’s Sirius radio show this afternoon, former WCW and WWE World champion Bill Goldberg commented on TNA saying... adminFebruary 9, 2006
TNA Its Official: Impact Moving To Primetime It’s official, Spike TV officially announced that TNA Impact will be moving to a 9:00 PM (Est) time slot on Thursday nights starting April... adminFebruary 6, 2006